Summer22-Bridge Assignments

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ntro to Programming with Karel the Dog

Course Overview and Goals
The CodeHS Introduction to Programming with Karel the Dog course teaches students the basics
of programming by giving commands to a computer just like you give commands to a dog. Karel
is a dog that lives in a grid world and can be instructed to move around and pick up and put
down tennis balls.
To create your account and be able to save your progress,
log-in using your GOOGLE school email.

Each student should signup at

Created by Gerardo González: Thursday, June 23 3:05 PM


Bloxorz combines problem solving with spatial reasoning and logic.

Games are an interesting way to teach a new concept, practice problem solving, apply what we already know in a new situation, and to have fun.

  1. Compared with other games that you have experienced, how DIFFERENT and what did you LIKE or DISLIKE about this game?
  2. DRAW A CONCLUSION, Why do you think that I chose this game to share with you?
  3. HYPOTHESIZE on , What do you think that YOU are learning/practicing/applying in this game?
  4. JUSTIFY in your own words; What did you learn as a result of completing this activity?


Created by Gerardo González: Friday, June 24 10:41 AM