Memoirs » 22 years later

22 years later

Sender Xiomara Barriere
Posted On 2013-09-24
Year 1989
Memoir Wow, it's been 22 years and here I am as an adult, reading all memories of everyone's experience not only as a PATHFINDER but as young adults, so wonderful, high school years we plant so many memories, learning experiences, making friends and at the same time preparing for a future. To all current PATHFINDERS not only at Fremont H. S. but everywhere, look around you plant great memories, thank your parents for sending you to school, thank your teachers for taking the time to teach and be a great friend, once you graduate everyone scatters, go college, become parents, have unfortunate events in their lives, one way or another you'll always remember that one person, maybe more, one things for sure your spirit will always be a PATHFINDER!

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