Work Permits » Work Permit Info

Work Permit Info

Ms. Jenna Washington, Counselor in the MSA Office, issues Work Permits for Fremont High School. You can visit her office on the second floor, Green Office, Room 258 or contact her at (323) 565-1342 (office) or (714) 794-5413 (Google Text/Voice).
Steps for students to obtain a work permit:
  1. Get a Work Permit Application, CDE Form B1-1, based on your age, either 14-15 or 16-17. You can get one from your counselor or print one from the file on the right. Students who are 18 years old do not need a work permit.
  2. Students must complete the top portion, "Minor's Information" with their personal identification information, including social security number
  3. Parents must sign the work permit application in the section "To be filled in and signed by the parent or legal guardian"
  4. The job hiring the student must complete the bottom portion "To be filled in and signed by employer" once the student has been hired. 
  5. Student's counselor must sign the work permit at the top if he/she approves the student to work 
  6. Turn Work Permit Application in to Ms. Washington in the MSA Office, Green Office on 2nd Floor, Room 258. You can also hand give it to Ms. Ramirez, parent representative, in the front of the office, if I am not there.
  7. Please allow 24 hours to process the Work Permit. I can typically have them finished by the end of that same school day but in some cases I may take longer.